Thursday 29 November 2012

World without Steel

Humans would not exist successful in this world without steel. The whole progress throughout the world heavily depends upon the use of Steel as an instrumental material. Infrastructure, Construction, transportation heavily depends upon the industrial galvanized steel beams. If you think about world without steel it’s like a blind person in a dark room. Like without steel we would have no strong and long lasting Infrastructure, no cars and no planes to travel around in, no surgical instruments. Steel is being used from small pin to heavy machines. Commercial and jet engine pistons are made from steel, as are engine mounts, landing gear, engine power units, bolts and rivets, transmission bearings and tail hooks.

Hot Dip Galvaned Steel

In order to make steel stronger a process is being used throughout the world that is known as Hot Dip Galvanizing process . It’s the process in which steel is being dipped in the high temperature pond of zinc where a protective layer of zinc combines with steel to make it more and stronger and to avoid the risk of corrosion (rust). It is majorly used in building construction, transportation, agriculture sector and electric power etc.


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